Clif Shot Dietary Supplement Recovery Protein Enhanced Drink Mango Orange 2.10-Pound Plastic Jars

Pretty Darn Good5

I was looking for an alternative to the P90X branded Recovery Drank and read a variety of reviews online. I'm quite familiar with Clif products and have found them to be of high quality in my prior purchases. I had no prior experience with any recovery drink and had only mixed L-Glutamine powder in water (with decent results). I was simply looking for something with a bit more nutrients - and when I found Clif's product (that's predominantly ORGANIC - not 100% mind you)...I thought I'd give it a "shot".

Let me first say that the product is incredibly tasty. I've only worked with the mango/orange...but found that one scoop in cold water within 60 minutes of a work out not only is does in fact make me feel better. By adding a banana it's downright sinful - and the extra potassium is more than enough (at least for me) to serve as a meal replacement (or mid-morning snack).

I've not yet mixed it with almond or rice milk nor have I tried the other french vanilla flavor. To date however both my wife and I are extremely satisfied with the results and can recommend it highly if you're considering a Protein Enhanced Drink.More detail ...


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